Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Simple enough

Matthew 6:33

...But seek FIRST HIS KINGDOM and his righteousness, and ALL these THINGS will be GIVEN to YOU as well....

We hear this all the time, we see it all the time, we somtimes even repeat it, allll the time... But do we really practice it? Alot of people wonder how come they dont have everything they want, how come their not rich, successful, married, etc... Its all because we dont follow Matthew 6:33...

I was in Church yesterday and it just hit me... Ive prolly heard this verse more then 20 times but never really heard it...

Its so Simple that we over look it and take it for granted... I have to do better, I hope i can encourage you to do the same....

- First Him


  1. you know if the church really heard bishop, he wouldn't have to preach the same thing?

  2. ...........and that is patience I want.
